Smile : Your best attire in the online meetings

With increasing number of online meetings happening and virtually no other flashy wardrobe assets or the precious jewelry being visible on screen, your smile is increasingly becoming the next big thing in style. We have received a lot of patients inquiring about the same in these covid days and many of them have got that done as well. So what are the various platforms which make you realize the importance of your SMILE: THE BEST ATTIRE YOU CAN EVER WEAR!!

  • Online official Zoom meetings

  • Online Parent Teacher Meetings

  • Online Family Get togethers

  • Your smiling selfies for whatsapp, facebook & instagram

Smile without inhibition

Lateral Smile View spaced teethSide view Smile
Bad shaped teethSide view of a completed smile
FMR beforeashok singla

Every smile has a message to give

Emotions for smile
  • The treatment is not noticeable at all.

  • There will be no appliances to wear hence all eating, flossing and brushing can be done per normal.

  • Minimal pain or discomfort.

  • Smiles can be customized and easily altered.

  • Treatment is completed within a few weeks.

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