Implant Patient story

It was chilly Saturday Morning of December 2021. It was a routine dental camp for the senior citizens for their dental needs. We had seen close to 20 patients in the camp that day when Mr. R S Gulati, 72 years young Sikh with a radiant face with pleasing expressions and seasoned white beard entered into my chamber for check up.
He looked pretty positive from the start itself regarding his decision making and his health. He had just come for a mobile bridge which was giving him trouble. We scanned with the OPG machine and could see quite hopeless upper 4 teeth which were supporting a 7 unit bridge. We say hopeless as there was a hanging crown in the end and the supporting teeth were also in bad shape. We suggested him full mouth restoration as he had lower bridges in the faulty position as well. He said he want to take one step at a time and go with his upper arch rehab only followed by lower later.
We congratulated and appreciated him for his quick decision. He spoke a preety significant line in Punjabi ” Main aj vi apne ji tod mehnat karna ha, taahi mainu mundyan to puchhan di lod nai” which translated in English as “I still am a hard working man so i dont need to consult my sons for my financial needs”. That was a pretty powerful message we all learnt.

After about 4 months of time during which he was given an intermediate denture, we could fix a fully fledged implant supported non removable fixed set of upper teeth. The smile just added to the daunting personality of a great human being who was very regular in his prayers and service to the Sikh temple i.e. Gurudwara.

He looked so confident and powerful that he expressed his blessings with gifts after we finished the treatment. His zest to work till the last breath of his life is a simple yet magnanimous learning that working hard bestows us three huge benefits: Physical health, Mental health and peaceful wealth.